[photo credit: first, Mark Abrahams; those to follow, Andrea Volbrecht]
and here's what my girl looked like for the new york premiere of the dark knight: her dress is gorgeous...but i can't seem to figure out who designed it. but mags and petey are adorable as always.
charlie is safe. daniel is safe. nicole is safe. dee is safe.
those are the best of the stylists at this point in my opinion.
every week i can never remember what she said during an episode because it just comes out as, "waawaawaa. waawaawaa?" [think the teacher from charlie brown]
oy to the vay.
at least there's drama and tears coming up for next week! hooray.
here are the dresses by my favorites of season 5 of project runway thus far: [see previous blog below]
1. by emily:
items of use: vinyl ball material, balloons, etc.
2. by leanne:
items of use: tablecloth, cookies, candies, etc.
3. by jennifer:
item of use: papertowels.
4. by jerell:
items of use: lawn chair fabric, vinyl ball material. i think?
5. by kenley:
items of use: vinyl ball material, etc.?
and some candids, courtesy of bravotv.com:
make it work! make it work!
so kiss already!
i love her.
oh, heidi.
xx, sarah
pee. ess.: oh. em. gee. i just saw the guest judge for next week's episode and peed my pants because apparently bravo is giving away the judge info in advance now? ahhhhh go look at it. i'm too nice to be a spoiler.
here are some of my favorites after tonight's premiere:
1. emily: her hair is so cute, as are her clothes, and i love the balloon/ball dress she made for the first challenge.
2. leanne: do you see this girl? she's precious! i want to rade her wardrobe.
3.jennifer's creations are amazing. her papertowel ruffle dress from the first challenge would be in my closet in a heartbeat [impractical or not]. her pieces look like they've been pulled straight off the luella runway.
4. jerell: LOOK AT HIM. just LOOK AT HIM. can we be best friends forever aeaeaeaeaeae?
5. kenley: um. cute everything. including her challenge dress. and she's a florida state grad!
ohhhh michael kors. michael, michael, michael. put that little orange nutter [blane] in his place. "do i think it's pretty? NO." and i think heidi chimed in with this one: "playboy bunny gone grundge." and of COURSE bonkers mcgee, lover of my life, austin scarlett notes, "when i saw the dress i wrote HIDEOUS on my card."
ahahahaha. sorry, blane. you and your "girlicious"-trying-to-start-another-catch-phrase-like-christian's-"fierce" days are numbered.
keep watch for a post on tonight's shear genius episode!
xx, sarah
p.s. this diane von furstenberg amex commercial that shows every break between shows gives me goosebumps every time i watch it. sad? maybe. but i love me some dvf.
this blog is evidence that i did not succumb to the death that is the (south) florida turnpike. [note to self: red bull makes it aaaaaaall better]
today i traveled with my aunt and uncle to west palm beach for the current exhibit at the norton, and holllllly moley. look what they have there. permanently:
yes. that is a custom chihuly piece contained in the ceiling. it's made up of almost 700 individual glass sculptures.
are you drooling yet?
on the way back from wpb we stopped at ikea. BONKERSLOCOwithNUTSONTOP.
maybe you've been in an ikea store. i had heard that they were big, but this was a beyond massive building. i've never seen so many things crammed together. but it was magical. too bad my shopping add kicked in causing me too get so excited and overwhelmed that i neglected to buy anything.
thankfully my spending habits will be suppressed once i head back to tallahassee due to the fact that the closest ikea is either in atlanta or orlando. woopdeedoo.
one word: sephora.
i have that "kid in a candy store" moment every time i walk into sephora.
tallahassee offers no beauty essential relief unless it comes in the form of the usual department store yaddayadda and lipsmackers/covergirl/nyc brand crap at walgreens.
sephora is by far my makeup mecca.
if my bank account would allow me, i'm sure i would shell out another $100 before i leave miami in two weeks.
as of tomorrow morning i'm off to south beach for my internship at a graphic design firm, so my posts may be far and few. have a great weekend and talk to you soon!
who else but austin scarlett? i love this man. one of these rainy afternoons i'm going to curl up with the first two seasons of project runway and a cup of oolong tea. mmmm.
comme des garcons, s/s 2009. men in skirts? hmmmm. ok. i like the ginger...but that's probably because he looks the least like a corpse. [solely because of his hair and the baby blue tidbit on his sleeve] but hey, if clive owen, shia, or joseph gordon-levitt start marching around in tennis skirts, i'm sold.
for some reason christian sirano comes to mind when i see these styles...maybe the master of "feroche" and nagi could do some nutterbutter collaboration of avant-garde-fierce-ness and cause a mass head-explosion?