Tuesday, May 5, 2009

whirlwind weekend

Hello, lovies!

My posts might be few and far between these next few weeks thanks to this past activity-(and beignet)-packed weekend in New Orleans and the next couple weeks Miles and I will be spending in Europe!


Some sites I've stumbled upon and MUST be shared:

1. textsfromlastnight.com:
an example of a typical daily post -
(805): Dude. I just woke up without a shirt or bra on. Apparently I fell asleep with a quesadilla in my mouth. I can feel my liver hating me."

Love it.

2. passiveaggressivenotes.com:
warning - when I found this site, I spent the next 2 hours reading through posts.
example? -
Happppppy Tuesday!



1 comment:

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